LHS STAR NJ Research Project Award Program
The Learning Health System Scientist Training and Research Program (LHS STAR NJ) is committed to advancing the field of Learning Health System (LHS) science at Rutgers University, Rutgers Health, RWJBarnabas Health, University Hospital Newark, and our affiliated clinical and institutional partners. As a result, our LHS STAR NJ Research Project Award Program solicits research projects that use LHS science to develop and implement real-world interventions within our academic health system, partner health systems, and affiliated institutions (including government agencies and payors).
LHS Research Project Expectations:
- Use LHS science methods such as Comparative Effectiveness Research, Dissemination & Implementation Science, and Patient-Centered Outcomes Research.
- Identify existing best practices or develop innovations to improve the quality, safety, outcomes, efficiency, and patient-centeredness of care.
- Aim to improve the care of patients and populations served by our health system partners (RWJBH, UBHC, University Hospital Newark, Eric Chandler FQHC, and others).
- Produce findings that can be implemented in real-world practice.
- Require executive sponsorship from a health system or affiliated institutional clinical, business, or organizational leader to increase the likelihood of project success and subsequent dissemination and implementation.
Request for Applications:
The Request for Applications process is now closed. Please check back for future opportunities.
Frequently Asked Questions
2-4 projects will be funded each cycle.
Total funding support may not exceed $100,000 per project (direct costs only). Projects can be up to 24 months in duration but can be shorter.
Eligible applicants include:
- Principal Investigators with a primary academic affiliation with Rutgers University or Rutgers Health.
- Full-time employees at RWJBarnabas Health, University Hospital Newark, or other institutional partners.
- Junior faculty members are especially encouraged to apply.
- Non-Rutgers partners must include a Rutgers faculty member as a Co-Investigator or Co-PI.
We support projects targeting the entire lifespan, diverse healthcare settings, populations, and disease states, with a focus on priority areas identified by our Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) funders.
Projects must use one of the following LHS Science methods:
- Comparative Effectiveness Research
- Dissemination and Implementation Science
- Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
- Patient/Stakeholder Engagement
The application process consists of two phases:
- Letter of Intent (LOI): Submit a brief LOI including the project details, PI, and key collaborators.
- Full Proposal: If the LOI is approved, submit a full proposal with detailed project information, research strategy, and budget.
Applicants will be notified within 5-10 days after the LOI deadline whether their LOI is approved to move to Phase 2, if modifications are needed, or if it will not advance.
- A final scientific report is required for all completed awards.
- Progress reports every 6 months summarizing project progress.
For more information or assistance, please contact the LHS STAR NJ Team at lhsstarnj@rbhs.rutgers.edu.